Steadicam / DPs & Packages
The Steadicam is K2’s favorite and most-often-used cinema tool. It allows us to create incredible, free-flowing camera motions that are beautiful to watch and essential for visual storytelling. The Steadicam stabilizes the camera and mechanically isolates it from the operator’s movement, which allows for a smooth shot — even when moving quickly over uneven surfaces.
K2 Productions offers a wide variety of Steadicam platforms from the Steadicam Pilot to the Steadicam Archer. Looking for an even smoother shot? We now have the new Steadicam STEADISEG available! This rare tool combines the stability of the Steadicam and the rolling smoothness of a Segway.
The Steadicam was invented by DP Garrett Brown in 1975, and it revolutionized the filmmaking industry. Garrett has won both an Oscar & Emmy for Technical Achievement, and he has captured some of the most memorable movie scenes for Rocky, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Casino, and many more classics. Garrett is a friend to K2, and we are extremely lucky to be associated with an industry legend. He inspires, educates, and challenges us to be the best in the industry.
K2’s Steadicam DPs are highly skilled and create stunning imagery that enhances any film or video production. Contact us today for more details and rates. We look forward to it!